Newly bought shoes are beautiful, but often people suffer from "the pain of skin and flesh" - grinding feet. Band-aids, facial tissues, etc... Things that can be found in bags can be used, but they often do not work.
Because most of the leather shoes are placed on the front and back of the stereotyped chemical sheet, and the heel of the shoe is usually stitched by two pieces of leather, a slight gap between the heel and the shoe will be worn out. New shoes are too small, or the leather is too hard, they are easy to wear.
The two places where the new shoes are most likely to wear the feet are the heel and the outside of the big toe. If you wear shoes that have worn your feet for a long time, it can easily lead to diseases such as corns, paronychia, and thumb valgus. Can not think such a small problem can also cause illness?
What if you accidentally bought a shoe that has worn feet? Please see:
First, smear method: Apply a cream on the feet of the new shoes, or dry a piece of wet paper towel, and then fully soak the white wine, use a clip to fix it on the grinding feet, and place it overnight to soften the skin.
Second, the pressure method: If the shoes at the edge of the foot, you can use a wet towel for a few minutes to make it wet and soft, and then take a glass bottle and other cylindrical objects forced pressure several times.
Third, the wedge method: If the new shoes are too small and pinch the feet, may wish to dampen with a wet towel, and then use shoe wedges to support large, wear it on the smooth.
Of course, the principles of the above methods are to soften the leather and have certain feasibility, but it will also reduce the life of the leather shoes to some extent.
The best way is to learn to buy shoes: try to buy sheepskin and other soft leather shoes; the size of the shoes should be appropriate; it is best to choose to buy shoes at around 3:00 pm, it is the time when the most swollen feet, if you buy shoes in the morning, try to choose loose Point.
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