building block dress book tour: don’t call me betsy

Hello there, and happy Wednesday! Let me introduce you to Elizabeth from Don’t Call Me Betsy. She is a quilter who is joining the Building Block Dress book tour today. Be sure to visit Elizabeth on Craftsy where she has a couple of classes called Start Free-Motion Quilting and Start Foundation Paper Piecing.

Oliver + S Building Block Dress book tour

For the book tour she sewed up a cute little tunic for her baby daughter, read more over on her blog.

Oliver + S Building Block Dress book tour

Elizabeth: Blog, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook

Hi there, I’m Elizabeth, and I’m a mom of two great kids – one boy, who’s 8 going on 30, and one little girl, who’s a whirling dervish of energy these days. She’s nine months old and absolutely everywhere. When it comes to sewing, I’m primarily a quilter; two-dimensional sewing is my jam. That kind of sewing makes sense to me. Garments scare me a bit. Sleeves, hemlines, all those 3-D things freak me out! But while my daughter is little, it’s a good time for me to start trying to tackle my garment fears, because she’s small and it doesn’t take much fabric, or time really, to sew through a simple dress for her. One day, I’ll try and sew something for myself, but in the meantime, I’m enjoying working through a few things here and there for her. Besides, she makes the cutest model!

Elizabeth from Don't Call Me Betsy

Hands down my biggest sewing successes have been publishing my patterns in books – it’s an amazing feeling to see your name in print and to see people make the patterns you write. I think my biggest sewing fail was likely the time that I inadvertently free-motion quilted my son’s Christmas wishlist to the back of a quilt, because it just happened to be on my sewing table one day when I was working on quilting a large quilt. I usually wear headphones while I free-motion, so I had noticed a bit of unusual friction while free-motioning, but because it was intermittent and didn’t affect my thread, I didn’t think much of it, until I was finished quilting, and flipped the quilt over and saw the list attached to the back of the quilt. And then laughed. And laughed. Until I had to start picking the list out of the back of the quilt. So far I haven’t had any real garment fails, mostly because I haven’t been doing it long enough yet, but I’m sure there are many to come!

I’ve got quite a few favorite fabric stores both in-person and online, but these days when it comes to fabrics for garments, one of my go-to haunts is an online shop called Imagine Gnats, which carries a great assortment of garment fabrics and great explanations of what the different kinds are, how they’re best used and so on.

Go and have a look at some of the first creations tagged with #buildingblockdress over on Instagram.

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