Cute little ladies how to wear Kate Miu fashion girls

My father recently where the hit, I do not know if you have been attracted by Ala Lei it? Cute Ala Lei not only people sweet mouth, and it is important that the dress is also so stylish, is simply the perfect little princess. In fact, cute little girl and clothes have a great relationship. So if you want Ma Ma Ma princess also turned cute little lady, then follow Xiao Bian take a look at the fashion girl Cattellina it. Dark blue has always been a very attractive color, not eye-catching, but very temperament, so that your overall have become very calm, with white is more pure feeling, this blue and white dress is very For you want to be a little lady oh. Streaks are a very popular element of the fashion world, and the streaks have a very literary feel. When the fringe encounters the doll, how can you look good Oh, color flowers on the skirt also made clear childhood pure and lovely, very energetic.