Jean Paul Gaultier enters the 2006 spring and summer Hermes show with the most relaxed work attitude. At this women's show, he untied the former neurotic and anxiety-wearing equipmen's attire, and then he paid tribute to the conservative old French women's dress. In fact, in his collection of white men's shirts, silk scarves made of silk are cleverly tied around the neck, and the bright, vivid colors are like fresh oranges! After two seasons of training, Jean Paul Gaultier finally broke through the image of the past, giving Hermes a new and vibrant imagination.
First of all, Gaultier blended Hermes's classic symbolism with the mature female image from the past. He used high-heeled sandals with gold foil and made an incredible move into pure white linen; Hermes Classic The gold-plated prints were cleverly placed on pen-like dresses and short-sleeved tunics. Then he created more and more luxurious cicadas, fresh orange-coloured classical goddess-style gowns treated with seersuckers. For her part, Hermes's women's show this season presents a gorgeous, stylish and modern image.
Hermes brand women's clothing
Hermes brand women's clothing
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