How to wash wool sweater


Warm and fashionable sweaters are believed to be essential for many people in the winter. However, after wearing them, how to wash has become a headache for many people. After all, the prices are not cheap and they are special materials, so they are always afraid of accidentally washing. Bad. Today, Xiao Bian has collected the sweater cleaning method for you:

1. Cashmere sweaters generally have washing method logos. Please follow the washing instructions. In general, except for cashmere sweaters that have undergone shrink-proof processing, they can be washed in washing machines. Generally, cashmere sweaters are best used for dry cleaning. Hand wash.

2. Before washing, first measure and record the size of the bust, length, and length of the sleeve, turn it inside out and check for serious dirt. If so, mark it.

3. Put the special detergent in 35°C water and stir well. Put the soaked cashmere sweater in the soak for 15 to 30 minutes. Use the high-concentration detergent at the key dirty place and collar cuff. The rest of the parts are gently patted. If there is coffee, juice, and blood stains, they should be sent to a specialized dyeing shop for washing.

4. Jacquard or multi-color cashmere sweater should not be soaked, cashmere sweaters of different colors should not be washed together to avoid staining.

5. Rinse with water at about 30°C. After cleaning, add the matching softener to the indicated amount. This will make the hand feel better.

6. Extrude the water in the washed cashmere sweater and put it into the net bag to dehydrate in the washing machine's dehydration drum.

7. After dehydration, the cashmere sweater is laid on a table covered with a towel, and it is hand-formed into the original shade, with a ruler to the original size, avoid hanging exposure.

8. After drying, use a steam iron with a medium temperature (approx. 140°C) to iron. The iron and cashmere sweater should be separated by a distance of 0.5 to 1cm. Do not press on them. If other irons are used, wet towels must be provided.

When the sweater accidentally got a stain on it, how do you deal with it urgently? Xiao Bian also collected solutions for you according to different types of stains:

Coffee or black tea

Solution: Use a towel dipped in water to wring out in a timely manner. If you add a partner milk, wipe it with a small amount of detergent. If you have been stranded for a long time, wipe it with vinegar.

2. Ink

Solution: After wiping with tissue paper, wipe the paper with vinegar repeatedly, or use oxalic acid.

3. Lipstick, foundation

Solution: First use a thin paper to gently wipe off the way, and then wipe with lotion. Because the lipstick will rub more, so people should be carefully wiped from the outside to the inside.

4. Juice

Solution: When you just touch it, use a cloth dampened with warm water to wipe it. If there are still stains left, you can use a lotion to wipe.

5. Wine, perfume

Solution: In order to prevent proliferation, first sprinkle some salt on it, and then use a soft brush to brush off, and finally wipe with a rag or water, lotion, alcohol.

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