Nowadays, the fake goods in Nanhong are very common in the market. Whether you choose South Red Agate in the formal store or wholesale market, you need to study it carefully. When you choose, you definitely don’t want to pick out Nanhong, which you have worked hard. In the end, Agate found out that it was a fake. This is a waste of everyone's time and energy, and it makes people feel depressed. So how do you tell the true and false of South Red Agate?
The color of the South Red Agate is its characteristics and selling point. Its color is red but not seductive, and it has a calm feeling. The color of the fake South Red Agate is more impetuous, and it feels like floating on the surface of the stone. For beginners who are just getting started, it is still difficult to judge the quality of South Red Agate by the naked eye and their own experience. At this time, we recommend that novice players use purple and glare to judge South Red Agate. . The most important thing is to go and see, ask, and buy less.
Sports medals produced by us are made out of a metal alloy combining zinc and aluminium. As a standard we produce 3 mm thick medals, however we can produce thicker, 6 mm ones, on client`s demand.
Any shape and any graphic design are available for both one sided and double sided medals what makes each medal unique. We produce 2D and 3D sports medals. We also undertake Medals Custom Medal, Sports Medal for sports event, schools, colleges and for any award functions.
Football Medal,Basketball Medal,Sports Medal,Medals Custom Medal
Shenzhen MingFengXing Art & Craft Products CO., LTD. ,