[ Ben. -Shoes and Life] As people pay more attention to the quality of life, more and more urban people go out and go out into the wild. There are not only young people but also many retired old people. Experienced life, but also exercised.
The necessary equipment to go outdoor sports is outdoor shoes, outdoor shoes are divided into two kinds, one kind is more casual walking shoes, there is a more professional climbing shoes, some friends say, after all, climbing is not a regular activity Buying a pair of hiking shoes is expensive.
If you have been wasted in a row, can you usually wear it? This is a problem, specifically for hiking shoes is not suitable for normal wear, but also according to the specific circumstances and see, such as hiking shoes material, comfort and so on.
If it is more comfortable hiking shoes, ordinary walking shoes, usually wear is very good, with sports pants or jeans are very casual, but a certain fabric should not be too hard, the foundation should not be too hard, otherwise wear will Tiring.
If it is the kind of more professional hiking shoes, that kind of shoes are generally thick and hard, there are many skid patterns on the soles, and there are some professional hiking shoes that are waterproof.
In this case, it is recommended not to wear if it is easy to sweat in normal wear.
And hiking shoes are generally bought for mountaineering, if worn in peacetime, plus those who do not speak of uncomfortableness, if worn often, will slip the soles of the anti-skid pattern.
Will it be necessary to buy new ones next time we go hiking in the wild? Oh, it's not worth it.
Some kind of professional hiking shoes are heavy and heavy. Because the soles are thick and hard, the uppers are also very hard, and the uppers are generally high.
If you usually wear it, it looks a bit top-heavy, not beautiful, all of the above reasons, we should know how to install the hiking shoes.
Is to choose to buy more occasions for walking shoes or more professional hiking shoes, then according to their own field frequency and occasions to buy.
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