Sapphire blue, pure sapphire color, always make me think of that glamorous blue enchantress. The blue rose that represents pure, honest, and kind love will always make me romantic. It is a promise that the love story forever remembered in the reincarnation will always make so many women yearn for it. Hold your hand and old love, always let that more people touched.
With such a romantic feeling of course, we must wear navy blue underwear , so that your elegant and sexy from the inside out, make more confident woman.
You see this light, dark blue bra to wear the most suitable summer, elegant lace shop in the chest, it is to make you more elegant and charming, unique pattern wrapped in the beauty of your chest, so that you wear clothing .
Simple sapphire bra, but there are some simple places. Chest that stitching on the dark blue lace hook flower, complex and novel, the chest of the regiment and lower body underwear echoes, unique and beautiful.
This and that just had the same purpose, but the difference is that the dark blue lace covered a relatively large area, where the lace under the more performance of your sexy, enchanting charming you will certainly be able to capture the other half of the heart .
Picture credit: Pomegranate underwear
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