testers’ versions of the belgravia knit dress

Have you seen our new Belgravia Knit Dress pattern? Yesterday I shared some fabric and styling inspiration to sew up this versatile pattern, but I know that it is also very helpful to see a pattern on different bodies and sewn up in different fabrics. So today we are rounding up photos of some of the dresses our testers sewed.

Shelley (also known as @lightningmcstitch) sewed both views of the pattern. Didn’t she choose great fabrics for them?

Shelley's Belgravia Dress

Shelley's Belgravia Dress

I love Melani’s classic black. This will be so versatile!

Melani's Belgravia Dress

And isn’t Allison’s print fabulous?

Allison's Belgravia Dress

Are you ready to make your own Belgravia Knit Dress? We’ll be running a challenge to sew this or one of our other spring patterns, so keep an eye out for that post.

In the meantime, you can order your own Belgravia Knit Dress pattern from our website in digital format. Don’t forget to show us what you made by uploading your photos to the Liesl + Co. Flickr group and tagging them #belgraviadress and #lieslandco on Instagram.

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