Leading Word: Belts are an essential must-have item for each season. This year, waistbands and elastic waistbands are about to lead the 2010 spring trend.
The belt is an essential must-have item for each season. What kind of belt is the most popular in the spring of 2010? The answer is that the waist belt and the elastic belt. Let's take a look at two belts that are about to lead the trend, and then add an important item to the new year shopping list!

Waist belt
The tight temperament of the belted waistbands of the medieval European retro style neutralizes the softness of the knit and avoids thick sloping up and down sides, shaping the waist curve.

Waist belt

Waist belt
Cortical bow knots with delicate texture. With a floral dress to increase the waistline, a slim waist is displayed.

Waist belt

Waist belt
Equestrian girdles reflect the original simplicity. With a flower dress brings a new experience of hardness and softness. Note that the shape above the waist line can be shaped more.

Waist belt

Elasticated belt
The combination of elastic zipper waist and fur is a harmonious combination of loose fur and elastic band, which creates a visual slimming effect.

Elasticated belt

Elasticated belt
An elastic waistband with a tube top skirt is even more sweet and feminine. The belt plays a parting role and does not allow the visual effect of the pattern to expand too much.

Elasticated belt

Elasticated belt
The weaving effect of the braided elastic waistband is unique, and the bat sleeve cardigan is used to shape the tight shape of the upper loose underneath, and the petite figure is contrasted.

Elasticated belt

Elasticated belt
The visual contraction power of the black fur elastic waistband is evident. With a gray V-neck coat to contrast the slim waist, the shiny texture of the fur also reflects the delicate feminine water.

Elasticated belt
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