The author of "Ulysses" made £ 61,000 in London. This book witnessed the process of Joyce's creation of "Ulysses" and also revealed a married lie.
James Joyce is a famous writer and poet in the 20th century in Ireland. His novel "Ulysses" completed in 1921 is regarded as a masterpiece of stream of consciousness novels, and he is known as the 100 best English novels of the 20th century. The first. However, this great writer also had a lie. The British "The Telegraph" has recently exposed his registration in 1915. This essay recorded his journey around Europe and completed the Ulysses' travel footprint, and also leaked evidence of his lying - In **, Joyce declared that he was married and had two children with his wife Nora. In fact, he did not formally marry Nora until 1931. At 3:00 p.m. local time on July 14th in London, the ** was shot at a high price of £61,250 at the auction.
The sign that Joyce may be forced to lie lies in the appearance of Nora as Joyce's "wife." In fact, they eloped from Ireland in 1904 and did not formally get married until 1931. The photograph on the ** was Nora's first appearance as Joyce's "wife" in public, and Joyce's photograph had never been disclosed before.
Gabrielle Heaton, who is responsible for auctioning this English Sotheby's auction house, said: "This book must be placed in the present and it must be impossible to pass because Joyce is wearing a hat and Eyeglasses (now photographs are not allowed to wear hats or other accessories.) And Nora and the children snuggle photos are clearly posing. "Why does Joyce lie to claim that he is married? In this regard, Gabriel - Heaton analysis, because at the time of the war, the handling of the ** is very difficult, Joyce was not in the country of Ireland, he may be forced to lie.
In the First World War, Joyce fled the port city of Trieste in northeastern Italy and obtained the book in August 1915 at the British Consulate in Zurich. This book records his trajectory of living in Europe: from Zurich to Paris to London and then to Switzerland. At the same time, he also witnessed that he spent 7 years hard to complete the Ulysses.
**Pictures are private collectors London, July 14, local time, James - James Joyce this wartime family ** in London auction at a high price of 61,250 pounds. Gabriel Heaton introduced that the successful auction was a private collector, and there was an auction guide price: 50,000 pounds to 70,000 pounds. “This wonderful artifact contains the signature of James Joyce and the photographs of him and his family. ** is a very private item that will give you the opportunity to see the 20th century's greatest novelist up close.â€
Gabriel Hinton also stated that this period was Joyce’s most creative period, covering the entire process of writing and publishing Ulysses. “Because of Joyce’s global influence, the world There are many people who are keen to collect artifacts related to Joyce. His and his works have profoundly affected all areas where English is used, and their influence has even penetrated into areas other than English."
Other Joyce artifacts were auctioned on the day, including an autographed letter written by Joyce to the author Ford Maddox. The auction price was 12,500 pounds, and the letter to McCormack shot 8,125 pounds. And the printed version of Ulysses, which Joyce had autographed, was sold for £3,750. In addition, the first edition of Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver Travels" auctioned out a high price of 49,250 pounds.
James Joyce is a famous writer and poet in the 20th century in Ireland. His novel "Ulysses" completed in 1921 is regarded as a masterpiece of stream of consciousness novels, and he is known as the 100 best English novels of the 20th century. The first. However, this great writer also had a lie. The British "The Telegraph" has recently exposed his registration in 1915. This essay recorded his journey around Europe and completed the Ulysses' travel footprint, and also leaked evidence of his lying - In **, Joyce declared that he was married and had two children with his wife Nora. In fact, he did not formally marry Nora until 1931. At 3:00 p.m. local time on July 14th in London, the ** was shot at a high price of £61,250 at the auction.
The sign that Joyce may be forced to lie lies in the appearance of Nora as Joyce's "wife." In fact, they eloped from Ireland in 1904 and did not formally get married until 1931. The photograph on the ** was Nora's first appearance as Joyce's "wife" in public, and Joyce's photograph had never been disclosed before.
Gabrielle Heaton, who is responsible for auctioning this English Sotheby's auction house, said: "This book must be placed in the present and it must be impossible to pass because Joyce is wearing a hat and Eyeglasses (now photographs are not allowed to wear hats or other accessories.) And Nora and the children snuggle photos are clearly posing. "Why does Joyce lie to claim that he is married? In this regard, Gabriel - Heaton analysis, because at the time of the war, the handling of the ** is very difficult, Joyce was not in the country of Ireland, he may be forced to lie.
In the First World War, Joyce fled the port city of Trieste in northeastern Italy and obtained the book in August 1915 at the British Consulate in Zurich. This book records his trajectory of living in Europe: from Zurich to Paris to London and then to Switzerland. At the same time, he also witnessed that he spent 7 years hard to complete the Ulysses.
**Pictures are private collectors London, July 14, local time, James - James Joyce this wartime family ** in London auction at a high price of 61,250 pounds. Gabriel Heaton introduced that the successful auction was a private collector, and there was an auction guide price: 50,000 pounds to 70,000 pounds. “This wonderful artifact contains the signature of James Joyce and the photographs of him and his family. ** is a very private item that will give you the opportunity to see the 20th century's greatest novelist up close.â€
Gabriel Hinton also stated that this period was Joyce’s most creative period, covering the entire process of writing and publishing Ulysses. “Because of Joyce’s global influence, the world There are many people who are keen to collect artifacts related to Joyce. His and his works have profoundly affected all areas where English is used, and their influence has even penetrated into areas other than English."
Other Joyce artifacts were auctioned on the day, including an autographed letter written by Joyce to the author Ford Maddox. The auction price was 12,500 pounds, and the letter to McCormack shot 8,125 pounds. And the printed version of Ulysses, which Joyce had autographed, was sold for £3,750. In addition, the first edition of Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver Travels" auctioned out a high price of 49,250 pounds.
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