Wang, who is retired at home, likes antique jade. When he is hanging out, he buys a "Jade Buddha" on the street. It can be found by friends that this baby is a handicraft made of stone powder.
On the morning of July 19, when Mr. Wang approached the old market in Sihe, he saw a group of people surrounded. One of the men wearing a helmet and a migrant worker said that he had dug a baby in the ground while working. I want to sell at a low price of 2,000 yuan.
Teacher Wang took a closer look. There was a black plastic bag on the floor. There was a pale yellow thing in the mouth of the bag. It might be a piece of jade. Some people wanted to open it and watch it carefully. The seller quickly covered it. An old man observed for a long time and said: "This thing is not an antique or a jade, you still keep it yourself, maybe you can sell a good price." A well-dressed, local accent onlookers said that they are willing to pay 1,000 yuan. Buy, but the money is not enough, go home and get the money. At this time, the old man said that the hair is burned on the jade, and the real jade is not burnt. The seller agreed to experiment and found that the hair was really broken.
At this time, Teacher Wang also moved, saying that he only brought more than 800 yuan. I am afraid that the young man has not paid much more money. The seller said: "I have not waited, the money is only practical, but it is also excavated from the ground. Even if it is cheap to sell to you." With this "baby" bought back, Teacher Wang is full of joy, after careful observation, I found that this jade is light yellow, the back is obvious stone, the front is a big belly Buddha, but the more you look at it, the worse it is, the work is very rough, and then carefully observed, there are many cracks in the Buddha. Will you buy fakes yourself? Mr. Wang quickly found an expert appraisal. After a close look at the friend, use a knife to scrape on the jade, and the result is a lot of stone powder.
Teacher Wang, who is full of regrets, told the reporter: "The performance of these people is really good. I still have the guard to watch the fun at the beginning. Who knows that when I look at it, I am stuck in it. In fact, I still blame myself for being cheap, in the sky. Can you drop the pie?" Wang also wants to remind the general public that if you encounter similar things, don't go forward and join in the fun, not greedy.
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