The day before is still sunny, the day after it is a cool invasion, changing the world is faster than turning the book, but this can also be seen a little clue, your hope for the fall of autumn is really coming! Since the autumn is coming, do not just look after the carnival celebrations, of course, you must first do business in good stead. In the "battlefield" in the working men who do not have a suit to increase their clothing how to do? Shoulder waist waist version of the model, the better for the body service, even the slim body of the man, still can not withstand the release of its male charm, the following with a suit of the same color trousers, up and down make a fuze, professional Fan Li Xian; Take a print shirt, highlight the publicity of personality, such a commendable, business men may wish to learn! That set of workplace is absolutely not be brought to the daily, or you "iron" label Do not want to lose slightly! Interesting printed T-shirt with a semi-perspective silk coat to wear together to keep up with the trend so simple, the next to a washed denim trousers, the casual taste so just shaping good, no bright colors, no maverick , But let your charm show the most vividly. Picture source: L2