As the name suggests, brand collection store is the collection of multiple brands of seasonal new products. And of course the goods are not limited to a particular category, which covers clothing, shoes, bags, jewelry and many more varieties. Even though each brand is different, but still in the same store together, mutual tolerance, set off each other, has become a popular brand collection shop. Therefore, brand collection shop is the product of this era, but its development will be what happens? The brand collection store will develop into the main trend of the future shopping mall. In the future, the shopping center will form the pattern of "three storey" + "store" + "matching". The brand store will account for 40% of the shopping center proportion. Shopping center operators should cooperate with the domestic buyers in depth, ask them to shop in the mall, give them enough benefits to help them grow and develop. At the same time, we should vigorously provide support and assistance in brand promotion and promotion, gradually cultivate domestic consumers' awareness and acceptance of these brands, and gradually open up the world of brand collection shops. That is under the premise of no change in the cooperation conditions of department stores and shopping malls, the cooperation space will be gradually reduced. The reason is that the brand introduced by the department store and the brand introduced by the shopping mall are entirely the same combination with the same scope. Therefore, this two-storey department store lifestyle may be narrower and narrower. The collection shop is precisely the shopping center with the goal of seeking differentiation recently, because the collection shop from the richness of goods, the degree of customer choice, including the rents of the brand store collection than the store rent pressure is low, through a small area portfolio , The same can be attractive, the formation of the theme, so these conditions when together, the mall and the opportunities for cooperation in the store more and more.