Five things in the spring, five things a year, sick

When the words "open spring" and "new year" come together, it means that the new year's life is about to begin. Just after the Spring Festival, how do we repair the overburdened body during the holidays and how to lay a good foundation for our health throughout the year? Jiang Liangyu, professor of internal medicine at Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Yang Li, professor of Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, and Ren Zenghui, mental health education and counseling center of Guangdong Technical Teachers College, gave us several measures.

The first trick: detox drink tea.

In winter, people are cold and people prefer to eat hot food. Especially during the Spring Festival holiday, big fish and meat, spicy taste, and one or two more wines can make the whole person warm. However, because of the excessive consumption of hot food in winter, in the spring, you must reduce your stomach and detoxification.

Drink a cup of light salt water in the morning to help urinate and help detoxification. People with high blood pressure can be replaced with warm water; people with low blood sugar will have a cup of honey water, which is equally effective. Spring pays attention to drinking spring tea. Whether it is green tea or flower tea, it can play a role in detoxification and refreshing. Especially jasmine tea, the smell is fragrant, and the refreshing effect is better.

To detoxify the body, you must ensure that the stool is unobstructed. It is recommended that people with bad stools should eat more radishes, cabbage, potatoes and sweet potatoes to help with bowel movements. They can also perform self-massage. Pressing the navel clockwise at least 36 times a day, pressing the Tianshu points around the navel and three fingers wide. The feeling of soreness has a laxative effect.

The second measure: morning training and pulling.

The ancients advocated morning exercises in the spring. They thought that this was the best period of exercise in all seasons, and they could completely relax the body that was banned for one winter. Older people are best for walking. They can also take a deep breath in the better air park, stretching their legs and pulling the ribs. There is a saying that "the rib is one inch long and the life is ten years long." Although this statement is somewhat exaggerated, the proper pull-pull ligament does help the body's blood flow, and even the effect of pain and detoxification. In spring, you should raise your liver and keep your gall bladder. Therefore, when you exercise, you may want to pat the outside of the two ribs. Here is the hepatobiliary area referred to by Chinese medicine. It can be beaten with a gentle palm, and it can smooth the blood and meridians to achieve the effect of nourishing the liver and nourishing the gallbladder.

The year is in the spring, in addition to outdoor exercise, it should be more out of travel. A set of travel plans can be developed at the beginning of the year to plan four seasons of travel according to the length of the holidays, seasonal characteristics, etc., and to practice in the following year.

The third measure: eat sweet and sour mouth in spring.

In the Tang Dynasty, Sun Sizhen’s "Qian Jin Fang" records that the spring diet should be "saving acid and sweetening", because eating too much acidic food in spring will make the liver fire too strong, thus damaging the spleen and stomach, you should eat more warm and sweet food to help digestion, Such as glutinous rice, pumpkin, jujube, yam, white fungus and so on. From another point of view, in the relationship between the five internal organs and the five flavors, the sour taste has astringent effect, which is not conducive to the growth of yang and the release of liver gas. If you eat too much acid, it will damage the yang. But the so-called less acid and sweetness is just a relative concept. You can't go to extremes. The better way is to eat more sweet and sour tastes, fruits and drinks, and help balance your body.

Spring is the season of hair growth. According to the principle of “Heaven and Man”, bud vegetables with the same hair are also suitable for spring consumption. For example, bean sprouts, bean sprouts, spring bamboo shoots, garlic sprouts, sprouts, etc., can be fried, boiled soup, stuffed, light and warm. Amaranth, ginger, and chicken soup can help to nourish the yang, you can eat more; strawberries, oranges, kiwis can also eat more; the main recommendation is 枸杞 chrysanthemum soaked in water, can raise liver and eyesight. In addition, honey is a big supplement to spring. In addition to drinking honey water, you can also add a spoonful of oatmeal and honey to the hot milk, which tastes better.

The fourth measure: combing the hair under the sun.

The ancients maintained their health, paying attention to "the night is getting up early, the step is in the court, and the shape is slowed down." That is to say, the ancient people slept in the spring to get up early; go to the wide place for a walk; spread the hair, loose the belt, not Let the body be bound. This principle is now also very applicable.

In the spring, you should raise the sun, so you should have more sun, especially when you get up early, comb your hair while sunbathing, or massage the Baihui point at the top of your head to help people increase their yang and moisten the five internal organs. Spring still needs to raise the liver, and "the liver is open to the eye", so raising the eye can also protect the liver. It is recommended that people relax, face the sun, close their eyes, let the glass windows and eyelids filter out too strong sun rays, and turn the eyeballs first, then clockwise and counterclockwise, and stick to it for ten minutes every day. People can also return to their homes every day to wash their eyes, eyelids, and rub their eyes around to promote blood circulation.

Spring wind is dry and dry, special attention should be paid to hydration, anti-drying and detoxification; due to climate change, it is necessary to increase or decrease clothing according to the weather at any time. Elderly people with chronic diseases should especially do warm work, and the back and waist are the key points. The principle of Chunyu is: If the daily average temperature is below 15 °C, or the temperature difference between day and night is greater than 8 °C, it is best not to take off the cotton coat.

The fifth measure: psychological time difference.

The most important thing in spring to nourish the liver is to ensure a smooth mood. However, just after the Spring Festival, most people will have an uncomfortable reaction in the process of suddenly changing their lifestyle, which will affect their mood. Therefore, it is recommended that people fall over the "time difference" as soon as possible.

Office workers spend a little time reviewing the work before the festival and drafting the New Year plan. They will respond to the work with a more active and prepared attitude, and will not appear to be in a hurry. After the holiday, you should quickly restore your daily routine, light diet, focus on your work during the day, improve work efficiency, and help to quickly return to the "time difference."

Young people who return to their big cities from their homes may feel lonely and lonely again. Such people may wish to contact their family and friends as often as possible to help them through the "transition period". They may also distribute the special products brought by their hometown to colleagues and neighbors, and may be able to run new friendships around them.

When the old man leaves home after seeing his child's short-term companionship, his heart is inevitably empty. At this time, you may wish to divert your attention, such as making a date with your wife or friends, or plunging into your own hobbies. Another way is to embrace change with the mentality of “live to the old and learn to be old”, such as trying to learn to communicate with children through new communication methods such as WeChat and Fetion, or to plan a new year’s life, such as where the child is. The city goes to see and realize some dreams that have never been realized.

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