Of the 140 batches of commodities sampled, 68 batches were unqualified, and the failure rate reached 48.6%. Yesterday, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce announced the results of monitoring the quality of clothing products in circulation in the city recently. The situation is not optimistic. Among the unqualified products, more than 80% came from the apparel market.
Yesterday afternoon, Shanghai Municipal Industry and Commerce Bureau's government microblog "Shanghai Industry and Commerce" released information: Recently, the city's industrial and commercial departments sold 140 batches of garments to 11 professional clothing markets such as Shanghai Xingwang Clothing Market and 5 supermarkets such as Shanghai Riyueguang Department Store. The quality of products was monitored, including 85 batches of clothing market and 55 batches of supermarkets. As a result, there were 68 batches of unqualified products, of which 56 batches were sold in the apparel market, accounting for 82.4% of the total number of unqualified products. .
The main problems in the monitored commodities include: excessive pH value, there are 4 batches; fiber content is not accurate, there are 35 batches, accounting for 50.7% of the total number of unqualified goods; color fastness is not qualified, there are 24 Batches accounted for 34.8% of the total number of unqualified products; 22 batches were marked with non-standard markings.
Qipu Road business district became the “stricken area†for monitoring unqualified products. The total came from Shanghai Xingwang Garment Market Management Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xinxingwang International Fashion City Management Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Qipu Road Garment Wholesale Market Management Co., Ltd. The 13 batches of merchandise from multiple merchants were exposed due to unqualified items such as fiber content, product identification, and pH, accounting for 23.2% of unqualified batches in the apparel market.
Yesterday afternoon, Shanghai Municipal Industry and Commerce Bureau's government microblog "Shanghai Industry and Commerce" released information: Recently, the city's industrial and commercial departments sold 140 batches of garments to 11 professional clothing markets such as Shanghai Xingwang Clothing Market and 5 supermarkets such as Shanghai Riyueguang Department Store. The quality of products was monitored, including 85 batches of clothing market and 55 batches of supermarkets. As a result, there were 68 batches of unqualified products, of which 56 batches were sold in the apparel market, accounting for 82.4% of the total number of unqualified products. .
The main problems in the monitored commodities include: excessive pH value, there are 4 batches; fiber content is not accurate, there are 35 batches, accounting for 50.7% of the total number of unqualified goods; color fastness is not qualified, there are 24 Batches accounted for 34.8% of the total number of unqualified products; 22 batches were marked with non-standard markings.
Qipu Road business district became the “stricken area†for monitoring unqualified products. The total came from Shanghai Xingwang Garment Market Management Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xinxingwang International Fashion City Management Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Qipu Road Garment Wholesale Market Management Co., Ltd. The 13 batches of merchandise from multiple merchants were exposed due to unqualified items such as fiber content, product identification, and pH, accounting for 23.2% of unqualified batches in the apparel market.
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