"Emotional Jacky breach four or four," from this sentence enough to see, even if the micro-breast is now a symbol of fashion, but still can not move the big chest is synonymous with the status of sexy. However, the big chest also has its own troubles exist, such as the chest is too big clothes were fat, such as poor chest shape, the lack of beauty, how to solve these "little things" become the most important, learn together! Everything has advantages and disadvantages, with a full chest will have to bear the expansion, drooping and other chest problems, Allison full cup underwear , tailor-made women on the scale tailored to meet the high side and solid Design, so that your chest firm and rounded, with furs, drooping and so on all the goodbye to say goodbye to eliminate blemishes, the rest is only perfect! Big chest is equal to fat? Not true, but it makes sense, it is recommended for large breasts women do not wear too loose clothes, or white visual weight gain 10 pounds or as a pregnant woman embarrassed it! Select the underwear is also very important, since the chest has enough material, the cup is recommended to choose a thin section of the full cup, so as to visually "reduce the chest"; the other must choose a good effect underwear chest, to prevent expansion or Droop. On the issue of underwear, to give Ajin Sha to solve just fine.