Hiking shoes basics

Hiking shoes is a mountaineer's preference for purchasing mountaineering equipment. It is very important to choose a pair of climbing shoes that are comfortable, high-quality and reasonably priced. However, how to choose a suitable pair of hiking shoes is important for your own feet and your own mountaineering. route.

Selecting the right hiking shoes is a very important issue. From the appearance and sole design and the purpose of the consumer's self-aware mountaineering plan, try on the equipment store for a few minutes. Feel the degree of adaptability of the foot: whether it is comfortable or not The suture feels folded to the feet, causing the hamstrings to feel too tight. The heel can cling to the inside of the shoe and fix it in the space. The extra space swing of the toe will not allow you to climb the forward toe and cling to the front. If the shoes are too tight, it will lead to poor blood circulation, resulting in cold feet and frostbite. Too loose shoes can cause blisters.

What is the ideal hiking shoe

There must be enough space for opening, and it is easy to wear off even if it is wet or snow. The tongue must be waterproof enough to invade. The need to narrow the suture line to avoid water intrusion. Toes and heels require 2 or 3 layers of leather or fabric protection. The front of the toe is hard and will not be crushed by the crampons or kicked hard ice to cause toe injuries. The heel is harder to increase the stability of the foot during travel, and the footing can be stepped on in a downhill slope.

The use and selection of climbing shoes are balanced, support the body, cushioned cushions, hard soles, water resistance, suitable weight of the shoes, such as lightweight shoes suitable for walking on the traditional route of light, rather than traditional routes will be In the woods or climbing, you must choose harder shoes. Generally speaking, lightweight shoes do not provide enough stability to carry heavy backpacks. At the same time, walking on difficult terrain requires protecting your ankles, heels and toes. force.

Professional hiking shoes features

1, high waist, 5--7.5 inches, walking on complex terrain, play a protective role to support the ankle.

2, Italy Vibeam outsole, conducive to walking in a slippery environment and bad terrain.

3, the middle structure of the shoes needs to be quite sturdy and has an excellent shock absorbing and cushioning structure.

4, less joints, try to use the entire block of material to manufacture the upper structure.

5, thick tongue design, close to the feet, with the upper fold connection, opening is large enough to wear off.

6. U-shaped edge seals for uppers and soles to strengthen the structure and waterproof function.

7, the toe, heel reinforced material protection, and the tip of the shoe to protect the foot. Heel slightly drums to enhance the stability of the shoes. When lowering steep slopes and installing crampons, reduce the pressure on the feet.

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