Sudden change of weather, "Veal Perr" children's wear into the home to face the face of sixty years of sudden decline in the weather, "Veau Perr" children's clothing launched a strong warm sweater / cotton / down jacket, so that the children of the sun bring home. "Less warm to wear" is the best gift for children in the autumn and winter of this year. Weiou Pei children's clothing located in 3-15 years old children wearing, comfortable and elegant middle-grade casual children's clothing. Violpean children's wear focus on environmental protection, all products are used natural cotton, linen, wool and other fabrics, printing and dyeing all reactive environmental dyes to ensure that every piece of clothing can make it to wear children's health care. Shenzhen Weioupeier Garment Co., Ltd. Development Department High Manager declared contact Tel: 0755-86095588-610 13128807586 15807556009 Contact: Manager Gao .QQ: 237199756 Weioupeier website joined Weioupeier Opening spree: First, the goods you choose to help you transport two, opening gifts I have to send three, advertising to help you plan =========